
Message templates mean there is no longer a need to rework your push messages every single time; simply create a template for your Hologram or text message that can be reused over and over again. A super powerful way to automate your message requirements in conjunction with our powerful API and A/B testing tools.

Creating a HoloPush template

To create a message template we start by choosing the template we would like to create, either; HoloPush or HoloWeb

For this example we are going to choose 'HoloPush'

Once you have chosen HoloPush, you will be asked to choose Hologram or Text. We are going to choose Hologram for this example.

Start completing the details of the recording that you require from your chosen "creator"

Title - The title of the job.

Description - A short description of the job.

Delivery - This is the date that you want the 2mee notification to be delivered to your audience. This ensures that the recording is sent back to you to review in good time.

Campaign Tags - Campaign tags are added to every message. You can add as many tags as you like that link the job to certain campaigns, this will enable you to measure how successful your campaigns have been over a period of time.

Select Creator - This is the person who will be recording the message for you i.e Brand Manager, Company representative, Brand Ambassador. These can be added to your platform from the "manage user" area.

Creator Deadline - This is the date the recording should be sent back to you.

Creator Script - This is the script that will be delivered to your creator's 2mee application

Your "creator" will receive a notification in their 2mee recording app as well as an email to inform them that they have received a new request for a recording from you. When the recording has been done, you will receive an email informing you that the recording is ready to be reviewed.

You can update your creator's deadline by sending a nudge, this will send an email to the creator and update the deadline to the next day

When the creator has completed the recording and submitted it, the content manager will receive an email to inform them. They can then log into the platform and review each recording.

You can click on the Tile to view and hear each of the recordings.

Once you have accepted the recording you will then need to select a frame to be shown on the notification preview for both iOS and Android. Use the frame slider to move between different frames, selecting the frame you think will be best to use.

If you reject the recordings, your creator will be sent a new notification asking them to record their holograms again

You can add comments while rejecting recordings to tell the creator why you rejected the recording.

Once you have accepted the recording you will need to select a frame to be shown on the notification preview for both iOS and Android. Use the frame slider to move between different frames before selecting the frame you think will be best to use.

Message Details

You will now be asked to add all of the details to your message, just like a when creating a HoloPush message to be scheduled. Below is an example of what details you should add to your message.



HoloPush Title


HoloPush Sub Title

Supported on iOS and Android mobile apps

HoloPush Body

Required for all platforms

HoloPush Action Text

Call to Action (CTA) Required

Fallback Text: Title

Required. Will show if HoloPush fails

Fallback Text: Sub Title

Required. Will show if HoloPush fails

Fallback Text: Body

Required. Will show if HoloPush fails

Campaign Tags

Add to analyse later

Launch External URL

The URL a user will be directed when clicking the push. Will open the web page or an in-app browser on Mobile Apps.

Additional Data (key-value)

Deep Linking with Additional Data should be used if you only have Mobile Apps setup (no website) and do not want to open the URL within an in-app web view.

HoloPush Expiry Time

Time the notification is valid for. Can be set to minutes, hours or days

After you have added all of these details to your template, simply click the save template button and you template will be saved alongside any previously created templates.

Creating a HoloWeb Template

To create a message template we start by choosing the template we would like to create, either; HoloPush or HoloWeb

For this example, we are going to choose 'HoloWeb'

You can now either choose a Holo Library item to send or ask one of your creators to record a hologram message for you.

Holo Library

If you will be choosing a hologram library item simply find the hologram library item you would like to use by filtering or searching. Once you have found the item you would like to use, click the title of the holo library item to select this and attach it to your message.

Creator Recording

If you will be using one of your creator app users to record a message please select the Holo Push option.

After selecting Holo Push you will be asked to provide some details of the message you require recording from your creator. See below for descriptions of each input option

Title - The title of the job.

Description - A short description of the job.

Delivery - This is the date that you want the 2mee notification to be delivered to your audience. This ensures that the recording is sent back to you to review in good time.

Campaign Tags - Campaign tags are added to every message. You can add as many tags as you like that link the job to certain campaigns, this will enable you to measure how successful your campaigns have been over a period of time.

Select Creator - This is the person who will be recording the message for you i.e Brand Manager, Company representative, Brand Ambassador. These can be added to your platform from the "manage user" area.

Creator Deadline - This is the date the recording should be sent back to you by.

Creator Script - This is the script that will be delivered to your creator's 2mee application

Your "creator" will receive a notification in their 2mee recording app as well as an email to inform them that they have received a new request for a recording from you. When the recording has been done, you will receive an email informing you that the recording is ready to be reviewed.

You can update your creator's deadline by sending a nudge, this will send an email to the creator and update the deadline to the next day

When the creator has completed the recording and submitted it, the content manager will receive an email to inform them. They can then log into the platform and review each recording.

You can click on the Tile to view and hear each of the recordings.

Once you have accepted the recording you will then need to select a frame to be shown on the notification preview for both iOS and Android. Use the frame slider to move between different frames, selecting the frame you think will be best to use.

If you reject the recordings, your creator will be sent a new notification asking them to record their holograms again

You can add comments while rejecting recordings to tell the creator why you rejected the recording.

Once you have accepted the recording you will need to select a frame to be shown on the notification preview for both iOS and Android. Use the frame slider to move between different frames before selecting the frame you think will be best to use.

Message Details

You can now add your message details. Web messages don't require the same details as a HoloPush message so you will see much fewer options to input here.

Below is a brief description of each input option

Title - The Holo Web title is used to differentiate it in the message listings, the end user does not see this

Start Time - The chosen start time is when users can start to see your message on your website or the chosen topic pages

Expiry Time - The expiry time is when users will no longer be able to see your message on your website or the chosen topic pages

Launch External URL - The URL a user will be directed to when clicking the link button on the web message playback, this will open an external web page

Web Preview - A preview of your message on the chosen website, this link can be changed to other web pages or a screenshot can be uploaded if your website is unavailable

Now you have added all of the details to your message you are ready to publish this message for your website users. You also have the option to save your message as a draft and publish this at a later date or cancel the message which will delete all of the added information and hologram

Scheduling a template

To schedule a message template you start by finding the template you would like to schedule in your template listing.

Once you have found the template, click the options button. Here you will see an option to 'create a HoloPush / HoloWeb message' - Click this button to convert your template into a message.

A template can be used as a message as many times as you would like. You can also schedule a template, edit the template then schedule again using the new details.

Deleting a template

To delete a message template you start by finding the template you would like to delete in your template listing.

Once you have found the template, click the options button. Here you will see an option to 'delete' the template, click this button to completely remove the template from your platform.

Once a template is deleted you will not have the option to recover.

Editing a template

To edit a message template, start by finding the template you would like to edit in your template listing.

Once you have found the template, click the options button. Here you will see an option to 'edit template' click this to start editing your template.

When editing your template you will be able to edit all of the details you added when creating your template.

Last updated