Profile Details
To edit your profile click on the profile picture located in the top right corner of the exchange panel.
Here you can change all of your personal profile details.
To change your password you must enter your current password then enter the new password and the new password repeated for confirmation.
You can also change the profile picture that is associated with the account, to do this simply click on the update profile picture button and select any image from your computer.
The profile picture image must be a JPG or PNG file.
Company Details
The company admin also has access to all of the companies information which they can edit, as shown below.
Company admins are the only users allowed to edit the company details.
Please contact your Company admin if your company details need to be changed.
Creating an API Key
Each API Key is specific to a user and each user must create an API key if they wish to have 2mee API Access. To create a new API Key, navigate to the settings section, Keys and ID's then click the Create API Key button.
You will then be asked to give a name and description to your API Key. Please add both of these then click the create button.
Your API Key will then be successfully created and ready to either view, copy or download.
To View your API Key click on the eye symbol, this will show your API Key and give the option to copy this by clicking on the copy symbol.
To download your API Key click on the download symbol, this will then download the API Key to your PC or Mac as a .zip file.
Last updated