
The Audience feature on the dashboard allows you to see the number of users who have opted in or opted out of receiving messages. The number of users may increase or decrease at anytime after sending a message depending on how many users have either uninstalled the app or opted out of receiving messages.

Here you can see information on a user and their device, each piece of information is shown below:

Opt Out - If the user has opted in or out of notifications, a simple Yes or No will show this.

Last Active - This is the last time the User was active on your app.

First Session - This is the first time a user accessed your app with the 2mee SDK present.

User ID - This is the ID given to your user by your developers but if this is not given we will gather and represent the device token here.

Device - Here we show if the user is on an Apple or Android device.

Country Code - This shows the country that the users device is located within.

Language Code - This shows the language the user has their device set too.

SDK Version - The version of the 2mee SDK the user has installed on their device/app.

Tags - Tags are given to segment the target audience, meaning more personalised messages can be sent depending on given tags.

Test Users

Test users are a group of users who you would like to receive test messages for your app. Any user added to this group will be placed into a segment called test users, you can then select this segment to send messages to while creating a message.

By sending to your test users you can test your app end to end without having to worry about live users receiving your test messages

Test users are selected from the users section of the audience. You can simply tick users if you would like them to be a test user, or untick to de-select them.

Creating an Audience


A HoloPush message can be sent to all app users, a section of users, defined test user groups, or a list of users. This allows you to select the specific audience you want to send your HoloPush notification to.

Once you have navigated to the ‘Audience’ section there are just three steps required:

Click the Create New Segment button

Enter a name for your audience segment within the 'segment name' box

Then choose the filter (Or multiple multiple filters) you want to add to your segment, these filters are:

Country - Choose the country you would like to target based on where the device was last located

Device Type - Choose the device type you would like to target, either Android/IOS or both

UserID - userID linked to a specific user

Language - Target the users based on the language selected for the user's device

Tags - Custom tags created by the developer based on the CRM logic or targeting certain specific users for different campaigns

First Install - The time when the device was first registered on the exchange for notifications

Last Session - The last time the device communicated with our servers

SDK Version iOS - Version of the iOS SDK the user has installed

SDK Version Android - Version of the Android SDK the user has installed

GeoLocation - Radius around a chosen location


You may have a specific audience that you want to send a HoloPush message to that is not already defined on the platform. You can use your own defined audience by uploading a CSV file with a list of your users UserID’s.

To upload your CSV, click on the upload CSV section.

Once you are within the Upload CSV Section, click Upload CSV to choose your file. Clicking Upload CSV will take you to your computer’s file system to choose the file you would like to upload. Select the file .CSV file and click the Upload CSV button.

Below is an example of the file format that should be used when uploading CSV files. UserIDs should be added with a comma separating each of these.

You will also be able to see previously uploaded CSV files, you can either select one of these again or you can download a specific CSV file. Click the download button to download the CSV to your PC or Mac, you are then able to upload this CSV again or click the select button to use as your audience segment.


Geo-location gives users the power to segment their audience depending on where in the world users are located. A simple radius can be placed on a map to gather all users within that radius and send Hologram messages to them.

To create a Geo location segment, start by navigating to the Audience section and clicking the create new audience button

You will then be shown a list of segment options, choose; Geo-location

If this is the first time you are creating a geo-location based segment you will be asked to allow 2mee to gather your location settings. Please allow 2mee to know your location,

If you don't allow your location you will not be able to use Geo-location segmentation

Once you have allowed 2mee to know your location you will be able to select your radius.

The easiest way to choose your radius is to expand the radius to the required distance or around the required location. You may also manually add your location then add a value either in kilometers or miles to select the radius plus location.

Once you have chosen your location you will be given an estimated audience, this will give you an estimate of the amount of users within the chosen radius.


Topics are strings added to pages of your website. When sending web messages to topics, the message will land specifically on the page of the selected topic or each page of your website the topic is added to. For more information on adding topics to your website see our Web2mee Topics Documentation

All of your topics can be found in the audience section, here you create new topics or any delete current topics.

Last updated