HoloCapsules are areas where you can store a hologram message from your library. You can then trigger a HoloCapsule to play on your app or website based on an event: specific time, first install, app open, specific button press, time inactive etc.
For example, you may wish to play a "Welcome to my website" Hologram message. Create a HoloCapsule, load in the message from the library and call from your app or website.
HoloCapsule Dashboard
Your HoloCapsule dashboard gives you a general overview of how well all of your Capsules are performing. You can see your top ten HoloCapsules based upon number of plays or impressions, and also see all of your capsules or create new capsules.
Creating a HoloCapsule
To start creating a HoloCapsule use the top navigation bar to navigate to the HoloCapsule section of the platform.
After navigating to HoloCapsule section you can start to create a HoloCapsule by clicking on the Create HoloCapsule button.
After clicking the Create HoloCapsule button you will be asked to add a title and description to your HoloCapsule. Please make sure your title is unique as no two HoloCapsules can have the same title.
Once you have added your title and description to your HoloCapsule you will then need to choose a hologram from your Holo Library. The hologram you choose will be sent to all users upon adding a capsule to your website or app, see inline, event or page messages for adding capsules to your website.
You can change the hologram message displayed on your website at any moment without development work. Simply change the hologram attached to Capsule, then the next time the website is loaded the new hologram will be displayed.
Hologram Pre-loader
2mee Hologram pre-loader gives you two options for how your HoloCapsule appears on the end users web page. These options are:
Static PNG image - A PNG image of your chosen holograms selected frame (See creating a library item for more information on frame selections)
Looping Video - The first 5 seconds of your hologram lopping as an animated GIF
Hologram Styles
You now have the option to choose how your hologram will playback to your end user. 2mee has delivered four styles of hologram playback for you to choose from. Take a look at each of these options below.
Standard is the very basic option, a simple hologram delivered onto your chosen web page.
When using the standard option you have some customisation options, here are the details of each of these options:
Blocking Dialog - Choose if the hologram stops the user's ability to scroll the page until an action is taken
Tap to play 'use icon' - Select if a play button or icon will be placed on the hologram
Play icon size - Select between the different sizes of play icons available
Offer button - The text that appears on your offer button
Button Background/Text Colour - The colour of your offer button and the text on the offer button
Position of Dialog - The position on the end users screen where the HoloWeb message will appear
By using the HoloAd™ version of a web message you get the option to add brand logos or third-party logos to your hologram.
When using the HoloAd™ version you have some customisation options, here are the details of each of these options:
Blocking Dialog - Choose if the hologram stops the user's ability to scroll the page until an action is taken
Tap to play 'use icon' - Select if a play button or icon will be placed on the hologram
Play icon size - Select between the different sizes of play icons available
Offer button - The text that appears on your offer button
Button Background/Text Colour - The colour of your offer button and the text on the offer button
Logo/Image upload - Upload an image that can be positioned either top left of your HoloWeb message, or a Large option placed below the HoloWeb message
Logo/Image link - Add an external link to your Logo/Image
Position of Dialog - The position on the end users screen where the HoloWeb message will appear
You can now position your hologram on top of a banner like a standard banner ad.
When using the banner you have multiple customisation options, here are the details of each of these options:
Colour Gradient - Select the two colours you would like to use as your banner background
Banner colour text light - Select if the banner should appear light or dark
Title - The title shown on your banner
Message - The message shown on your banner (Max 160 Characters)
Tap to play 'use icon' - Select if a play button or icon will be placed on the hologram
Play icon size - Select between the different sizes of play icons available
Offer button - The text that appears on your offer button
Offer button 'on the banner' - Select if the offer button appears on the banner or on the hologram as a CTA
HoloWeb messages can be delivered on top of a plinth allowing you to add multiple logos and links to your Hologram.
When using the plinth you have lots of different customisation options, here are the details of each of these options:
Blocking Dialog - Choose if the hologram stops the user's ability to scroll the page until an action is taken
Colour Gradient - Select the two colours you would like to use as your banner background
Tap to play 'use icon' - Select if a play button or icon will be placed on the hologram
Play icon size - Select between the different sizes of play icons available
Offer button - The text that appears on your offer button
Button Background/Text Colour - The colour of your offer button and the text on the offer button
Logo/Image upload - Upload an image that can be positioned either top left of your HoloWeb message, or a Large option placed below the HoloWeb message
Logo/Image link - Add an external link to your Logo/Image
Top Right/Bottom Right Image Upload - Add images to either the Top Right/Bottom Right, or both
Plinth Size - Select the width and height of the plinth below the hologram
Position of Dialog - The position on the end users screen where the HoloWeb message will appear
Add message image - Upload an image which will be shown below the plinth
A pop-up makes the hologram appear on the screen with an image placed behind it. Below are the customisation options for the pop-up style:
Blocking Dialog - Choose if the hologram stops the user's ability to scroll the page until an action is taken
Tap to play 'use icon' - Select if a play button or icon will be placed on the hologram
Play icon size - Select between the different sizes of play icons available
Offer button - The text that appears on your offer button
Background Image - An image that is placed behind the hologram (Images must be 600 x 825)
There is approximately 200px of space below a hologram on the pop-up
Call to Action
Your call to action is the next destination the user will be taken to when clicking your hologram. We have multiple options using a simple URL, custom button or JavaScript function. To use the more complex JavaScript features, you will need a developer to add the required WebSDK code.
Here is how each of the options work:
No CTA: No button will be shown on your hologram after the user clicks play
External Link: Any URL to a webpage can be added here to direct the user to this web page when clicking the CTA button
Custom Button: Allows you to add a buttonID which will use your custom button instead of the 2mee CTA button
Custom onClick: Executes a JavaScript function when the CTA button is pressed
Custom Function: Loads an external script with functions when the CTA button is pressed
Hologram Schedule
After your hologram playback has been set up, you can then set limits for how often a capsule should appear for your end user.
If you would like the capsule to just appear every time a user visits your web page (Standard behaviour of a capsule message), do not select to 'Activate offer on save'
If you do select to add play limits and times to your capsule, the below options will guide you on what each of these mean:
Start Time - The start time of the offer schedule period
Expiry Time - The expiry time of the offer schedule period
Limit Number of Presentations - Select if a limit should be set on the amount of times a hologram appears during the offer schedule period
Max Times Shown - The maximum amount of times the hologram can appear for the user over the offer schedule period
Minimum Hours Between Shows - The minimum amount of hours that must pass before a hologram can be shown to the user again
Stop Showing on Accept Offer - Select that, If the end user plays/clicks the hologram they then will not see the hologram again during the offer schedule period
Hologram Details
After adding the limits for your capsule, you can start to add the details of your message which will be sent to users upon the sending of the HoloCapsule to a Mobile Application. The message details are the same as what is used in the sending a HoloPush documentation.
Message details are not required for Web messages, only Mobile App messages.
You are now able to save your HoloCapsule and make this live. Once your HoloCapsule has become live it will need to be configured by your developers. A pop up will appear upon clicking 'Save HoloCapsule' which gives you the snippets of code required for each implementation.
You can also view the documentation for each of these options by looking at inline, event or page messages.
Here is an example of how a HoloCapsule is created on the 2mee platform
Editing a HoloCapsule Hologram
The hologram attached to a HoloCapsule can be changed at any time, to do this simply choose the HoloCapsule you would like to change the hologram for by clicking on the HoloCapsule name.
Once you have chosen the HoloCapsule you would like to change the hologram for, click the Change Holo button
A modal will then pop up with all of your Holo library items. You can then choose which hologram you would like to change to, by clicking the Holo Library items title, then clicking confirm on the next modal.
Editing HoloCapsule message details
The message details that will be sent to the end users device or shown on your website can be changed at any time. To change these simply choose the HoloCapsule you would like to change the message details for.
Once you are within the chosen HoloCapsule you can edit all of the message details shown here by simply editing each of these fields, then clicking the save HoloCapsule button.
Message details are not required for Web messages, only Mobile App messages.
Archiving a HoloCapsule
To Archive a HoloCapsule simply click the Archive symbol which can be found on the top right of each HoloCapsule.
Archived HoloCapsules can be made live again by clicking the 'active' button in the archive section
Duplicating a HoloCapsule
To duplicate a HoloCapsule, simply click the duplicate HoloCapsule button.
You will then be shown a pop-up where you need to add a title and description for your duplicated HoloCapsule.
HoloCapsule Code
To make life easier for your developers, you can get the exact snippet of code that is required to display your HoloCapsule on your website by clicking the 'Show capsule code' icon.
When you click on this icon you will be shown the code required to display the chosen capsule in either of the three options 2mee offers.
Inline - Inline messages sit within the content of your website, not overlaying like the ‘pop up’ style of an Event or Page message.
Event - An event message is a pop-up Hologram that appears in relation to an event, like a button press.
Page - A page message is displayed in a fixed position (does not move when scrolling) in the corner of a webpage. Page messages can be used as an alternative to event messages where the blocking of the webpage is not desirable.
HoloCapsule Reports
Viewing your HoloCapsule report
To view your HoloCapsule reports simply click the Graph icon which can be found on the top right of each HoloCapsule.
Report Definitions
Impression - A count of all users that have seen your HoloWeb message, these users may of dismissed your message
Play - The total number of users who have played your HoloWeb message
Play% - Number of users who played the hologram / Number of users who have seen the hologram
Clicks - The total number of users who have followed the external link added to your HoloWeb message (If no link is added this will not be shown on the message report)
CTR% (Click Through Rate) - The number of users who have clicked the message / The number of users who have played the message
Capsule reports can also be filtered between App or Website, use the dropdown to filter based on your preference.
You can also view HoloCapsule reports with unique data or total data.
Unique - Only one impression, play or click per user
Total - Users can register multiple impressions, plays or clicks
You can filter your reports by app or web using the 'type' dropdown on your HoloCapsule report
Report History
We store a history of reports for your HoloCapsule, when the hologram attached to your HoloCapsule is changed we will create a new entry in the HoloCapsule message history. The history of reports then corresponds to the time period the hologram was attached to your HoloCapsule. Once this hologram is changed, a new report will be created, the old report will then be complete and ready to view in your HoloCapsule reports.
You can use the dropdown menu to choose reports for each of the past holograms you have had attached to the current HoloCapsule.
Last updated