Templates let you save pre-formatted messages for using it directly with holopush and A/B Test.
Template creation
Create a message to be saved as template.
Query Parameters
Request Body
"appId": "bacb37d0-a51f-491b-bd68-489c245b8c16",
"title": "Title of the Message",
"subtitle": "SubTitle of the Message",
"text": "Body of the Message",
"action": "Open",
"fbTitle": "FallBack Title of the Message",
"fbSubtitle": "Fallback SubTitle of the Message",
"fbText": "FallBack Text of the Message",
"expiry": 1440,
"playTime": null,
"about": [],
"filterId": "9e862fc2-e3b6-4420-bf63-80ad4368ec88",
"priority": "MEDIUM",
"favourite": 0,
"type": "HOLOPUSH",
"channel": "PUSH",
"template": 1,
"feature": null,
"webTopic": [],
"excludeFilterId": [],
"smsInfo": null,
"smsUsersList": null,
"segment": null,
"subType": null,
"createdBy": "479cec74-767e-4ecb-9e6d-ee508cadbd75",
"state": "NEW",
"companyId": "6c445333-bac9-4ab0-a0b6-cc6838902abb",
"messageTitle": null,
"url": "https://secureexchange.s3.eu-geo.objectstorage.softlayer.net/58af7e42-16df-4a47-914c-190e90ee222b-e43b337a-575d-4964-a86c-f9cb21decea6-take-1.mp4",
"id": "58af7e42-16df-4a47-914c-190e90ee222b",
"size": 28867135,
"tags": null,
"holoTags": null,
"parentMessageId": null,
"holoPushAd": null,
"jobId": "79e70e79-f515-4c50-a2d8-18e3703d1186",
"holoPushUrl": null,
"created": "2021-08-17T07:02:47.839+0000",
"webActive": null,
"abTestId": null
$ curl 'https://exchange-prod-g.2mee.com/notification/stock?stockId=' -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0aW5ndGVhbUAybWVlLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTU4OTQ1NTc0OSwiaWF0IjoxNTg5NDM3NzQ5fQ.U2VtugGzqD0s9p0rUXaTxk8F5tHeMf5SB4ZRnYM8TV4QQm6y2FvdFIfD6kjQOhcYuPglSusAjVegzHqDKGgCqA' -d '{
"appId" : "bacb37d0-a51f-491b-bd68-489c245b8c16",
"title" : "Title of the Message",
"subtitle" : "SubTitle of the Message",
"text" : "Body of the Message",
"action" : "Open",
"fbTitle" : "FallBack Title of the Message",
"fbSubtitle" : "Fallback SubTitle of the Message",
"fbText" : "FallBack Text of the Message",
"expiry" : 1440,
"template" : 1,
"about" : [],
"favourite" : 0,
"type" : "HOLOPUSH",
"channel" : "PUSH"
Last updated